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What We Do

We maintain, upgrade and sell access to TOWARDEX owned underground fiber optic utilities, serving numerous telecommunications companies in the Boston metro.

Engineering and Projects

Our Engineering and Projects Division uses its technical expertise to develop new telecommunications conduit systems for TOWARDEX and improve and optimize existing conduits for the benefit of modern-day Internet infrastructure across the Boston metro.

We build tomorrow's Internet infrastructure.

We work with stakeholders, tenant customers and local authorities to support new network development projects.  In doing so, we're responsible to provide a turn-key solution for the management of all utility construction projects on behalf of TOWARDEX, conduit system stakeholders and our municipal and public institution partners.

Safety first.

We assess safety at all project sites and invest heavily in our commitment to safety across our worksites.  This includes regular onsite inspections, providing training programs and safety reinforcement audits to ensure delivery of quality capital projects in the safest manner possible.

We promote broadband infrastructures.

We work with municipal partners to develop City Shadow and Dig Once policies across TOWARDEX owned underground utilities.  This includes installing additional conduits and making accommodations to enable other providers to install fiber optic cables, and providing innerducts or fiber optic capacities for the benefit of municipal and public institutions across our conduit system.

Current Projects

Construction of a 2,200 ft Joint Use Communications Trench in Somerville's Inner Belt, an important nexus in the region which provides backbone connectivity between downtown Boston and the international cable landing station in Lynn, MA.


Maintenance and Operations

Our Maintenance and Operations Teams provide maintenance, installation and plant protection services across TOWARDEX owned underground utilities. Their mission: improve system performance, ensure the safety of all operations occurring over our rights-of-way, and provide technical services to promote high speed fiber optic connectivity to Boston’s business communities.


We audit, maintain and collect metrics of all cable occupancies across our conduit system.   We use this data to manage and provision underground facilities for tenant occupancies, such as installation of innerducts, maintenance of our manholes and underground vaults, and to verify the integrity of conduits in our duct banks.

Plant Protection

We work with utility locators and Dig Safe and respond to all locate requests for activities occurring on, over or adjacent to TOWARDEX owned underground utilities.  This includes confirming the location of our underground facilities and marking/staking the extent of our utilities in accordance to MGL c.82 § 40 and Common Ground Alliance Best Practices.

Safety Standards

We develop and enforce safety standards for all manners of operations over TOWARDEX owned underground utilities, including management of Permit-to-Work system, access rules and procedures.

Quality Assurance

We’re also responsible for quality control measures for all works occurring over TOWARDEX owned underground utilities.   This includes setting operational standards and performing routine inspections of our underground facilities and manholes.

Network Access

Telecommunications companies and internet service providers need regular access to underground utility infrastructures to install their fiber optic cables.   Our Network Access teams manage their requests, granting fair, non-discriminatory access to TOWARDEX owned underground utilities.

Conduit Licensing

We develop and manage commercial leasing policies and procedures for telecommunications providers to lease TOWARDEX owned underground utilities.

Guide to Utility Conduit Licensing

We provide access to TOWARDEX conduit systems and underground facilities for tenant customers, including physical access, escort, on-site inspections and responding to network emergencies.

Tenant Services

We provide design and technical services to tenant customers in support of their conduit occupancy, including designing and managing tenant projects for new constructions and installations of tenant’s fiber optic cable through our conduit system.

Customer Documents


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