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As Builts: C19BA

Inner Belt Row System

Public Notice:
As-Built Documentation of TOWARDEX owned utilities are published to allow our utility customers to plan for network construction, and to provide the public with the whereabouts of our facilities for locating and damage prevention.

State law requires that you call Dig Safe (811 or 888-344-7233) at least 72 hours prior to any excavation.   When excavating in close proximity to existing utilities of any company, non-mechanical means shall be employed, as necessary, to avoid damage to underground plant (MGL c.82 § 40C ).

It is unlawful under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for any person or corporation to enter upon the property of a utility company to affix or install wires for telecommunications, without first obtaining the consent of the owner of such property (MGL c.166 § 35 ).   Unlawful and intentional act to injure, molest or destroy any line, wire, or any of the materials or property of a utility company is punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both (MGL c.166 § 38 ).

Route Planning

Keyhole Markup Language (KMZ) file for viewing the System Section on Google Earth.   Please note that the exact positioning of assets in KMZ is not guaranteed to be accurate.   Refer to individual As-Built sheet drawings to obtain accurate details of our facilities.


Manhole Butterflies

Deeds and Siting Agreements

Easement Agreement between the City of Somerville ("Grantor") and TOWARDEX Technologies International, Inc. ("Grantee") regarding Hub Express System installations in Inner Belt.  The Agreement covers City-owned streets in the area, which have not been statutorily adopted as Public Ways per MGL c.82 §§ 1-32.

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